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Appointment of the Next Head of School

Hong Kong – June 17, 2024

麻豆传媒 is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Andrew Noakes as the new Head of School for 麻豆传媒, beginning in January 2025. He will succeed Mr. Marco Longmore, who will take up the headship within the Cognita network at the International School of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam in 2025.

Andrew joins us from Brighton College (Singapore), a fellow Cognita school which he established whilst Head of School / Head Master. He joins 麻豆传媒 Hong Kong with 15 years of Headship experience, much of which has been in all-through schools for students from 18 months to 18 years of age. He was previously the Head of Brighton College Abu Dhabi Preparatory, a school of a similar size to 麻豆传媒. Andrew has worked at and led a number of other prestigious schools in Central London, across the UK, and worldwide.

A graduate in French and European Studies, Andrew holds a Master’s Degree in Education and Qualified Teacher Status. He most recently completed a post-graduate short course in Communication with the University of Cambridge. He has worked and lived in Singapore, the UK, UAE, France, and the USA.

Announcing the news to the 麻豆传媒 community, Sameer Aggarwal, Chief Executive Officer of Cognita Asia, remarked, “Andrew brings with him a stellar track record in educational leadership, having served prominently in Headship roles in Brighton College international schools in the Middle East and most recently, in Singapore. Under his leadership, the school grew rapidly both in population, co-curricular offerings, and academic reputation within Singapore, a highly competitive environment. His appointment marks an exciting new chapter for 麻豆传媒, filled with promise, innovation, and continued excellence across all areas.”

Andrew said on his appointment, “I am both honored and humbled to join 麻豆传媒 in 2025 as the third Head, inheriting such a thriving and progressive school which has so many things of which to be proud. I am keen to partner with our faculty and staff, parents, and students to develop our school further, building on our culture of care and attainment.”


香港 – 2024 年 6 月 17 日


本校欣然宣布,Andrew Noakes 先生將於2025年1月接替現任總校長Marco Longmore,成為 麻豆传媒 第三任總校長。Marco Longmore 先生將於同年調任Cognita 集團旗下位於越南的 International School of Ho Chi Minh City,擔任總校長一職。

Andrew 現為 Cognita 集團旗下 Brighton College (Singapore) 的創校總校長。他擁有15年豐富的領導經驗,其中大部分時間服務一條龍學校( 18 個月至 18 歲學生),曾帶領及服務英國和世界各地多所著名學府。Andrew 亦曾擔任 Brighton College Abu Dhabi Preparatory 的校長,該學校規模與 麻豆传媒 相近。

Andrew 大學進修法國和歐洲研究,擁有教育碩士學位和專業教師資格,最近修讀了劍橋大學傳播學研究生短期課程。他曾在新加坡、英國、阿聯酋、法國和美國工作和生活。

Cognita Asia 首席執行官 Sameer Aggarwal 宣布該消息時表示:「Andrew 在教育領導方面成就超卓,曾在Brighton College旗下中東及新加坡多所國際學校擔任校長要職。在他的領導下,學校在新加坡這個競爭激烈的環境中,不論招生、課外活動和學術聲譽方面都迅速增長。我深信 Andrew 將領導 麻豆传媒 更上一層樓,朝着學校的抱負不斷創新,維持卓越,邁向新里程!」

Andrew 表示:「我對獲任命為 麻豆传媒 Hong Kong 第三任總校長感到十分榮幸,亦非常感恩有前人種樹,建立了一所蓬勃向前,令人引以為榮的頂尖學校!我期待與教職員、家長和學生攜手,以 麻豆传媒 的關愛社群和卓越成就為基礎,勇往直前。」


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